BLC 2024

Annual meeting of the British Logic Colloquium 5-7 September. Birmingham, UK.

General Information

The annual meeting of the British Logic Colloquium will be organised by the University of Birmingham from Thursday 5th September afternoon to Saturday 7th September morning.

The programme will include invited and contributed talks on a range of topics including (but not restricted to) proof theory, set theory, model theory, computability and complexity, logical aspects of computer science, and philosophy of mathematics.


BLC24 will be held on the Lower Ground floor in the Old Gym building on the Edgbaston campus of the University of Birmingham.

Invited Speakers


Thursday 5 September
12:30 - 14:00. Lunch and Registration (LG11)
  Invited talk I1 (LG06)
14:00 - 14:50. Lorna Gregory Ziegler Spectra
  Contributed talks A1 (LG06) Contributed talks B1 (LG09)
14:50 - 15:10. Calliope Ryan-Smith The Hartogs-Lindenbaum Spectrum of symmetric extensions Greg Restall Models for Identity in Three-Valued Logics
15:10 - 15:30. Sourayan Banerjee Model-theoretic K_1 of free modules over PIDs Sayantan Roy On Inferential Many-valuedness, Many-valued Logical Structures and Suszko’s Thesis
15:30 - 16:00. Coffee break (LG11)
  Invited talk I2 (LG06)
16:00 - 16:50. Asaf Karagila Why large cardinals?
  Contributed talks A2 (LG06) Contributed talks B2 (LG09)
16:50 - 17:10. Owain Griffin Is Functionalism Inconsistent? Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh Lambek Calculus with Banged Atoms for Parasitic Gaps
17:10 - 17:30. Matteo de Ceglie The Good Company problem Stepan Kuznetsov Complexity for Kleene and action algebras with commutativity
17:40 - 18:30. BLC annual meeting (LG06)
Friday 6 September
  Invited talk I3 (LG06)
09:40 - 10:30. Michael Rathjen Feferman's completeness theorem
10:30 - 11:00. Coffee break (LG11)
  Contributed talks A3 (LG06) Contributed talks B3 (LG09)
11:00 - 11:20. Justus Becker Some Proof Translations for Intuitionistic Modal Logic Paul Taylor A Fixed Point Theorem for Categories
11:20 - 11:40. Kiana Samadpour Motalebi Refined Tableau Systems for Modal Logics of Confluence Jonathan Kirby Up with Categories, Down with Sets; Out with Categories, In with Sets!
11:50 - 12:10. Abhishek De The proof theory of pro-aperiodic terms Daniel Leivant Finitism bottom-up: a vidication of Tait's Thesis
12:10 - 12:30. Beatrice Buonaguidi Classes in HYPE
12:30 - 14:00. Lunch (LG11)
  Invited talk I4 (LG06)
14:00 - 14:50. Ofra Magidor New Zeno and the logic of counterfactuals
  Contributed talks A4 (LG06) Contributed talks B4 (LG09)
14:50 - 15:10. Fabian Pregel Is Logical Consequence A Relation Between Fregean Propositions? Daumantas Kojelis Ordered Fragments of First-Order Logic or: How To Make Your Favourite Logic Decidable?
15:10 - 15:30. Amit Pinsker Logic, Natural Language and Semantic Paradoxes Dimitrios Tsintsilidas Provability of the Circuit Size Hierarchy and Its Consequences
15:30 - 16:00. Coffee break (LG11)
  Invited talk I5 (LG06)
16:00 - 16:50. Martin Escardo Topology in constructive mathematics and computation
17:00 - 18:00. Round table about Logic education in the U.K. (LG06)
19:00 - late. Social dinner at the Indian Brewery Snowhill (Livery St, B3 1EU)
Saturday 7 September
  Invited talk I6 (LG06)
09:40 - 10:30. Elvira Mayordomo On information theory in geometric measure theory
10:30 - 11:00. Coffee break (LG11)
  Invited talk I7 (LG06)
11:00 - 11:50. Nicola Gambino Monoidal bicategories, differential linear logic, and analytic functors
  Contributed talks A5 (LG06) Contributed talks B5 (LG09)
11:50 - 12:10. Matteo Spadetto Higher dimensional semantics of propositional theories of dependent types Will Stafford Proof-theoretic validity for sequents
12:10 - 12:30. Steve Vickers Real analysis via logic Sophie Nagler Measuring Meaning: An Introduction to Behavioural Inferentialism


The programme committee invites abstracts for contributed talks of up to 1 page (excluding bibliography). These can be on published or unpublished work, as well as work in progress. We especially encourage students and early-career researchers to present their work.

There are no formal published proceedings, but accepted abstracts will be made available for the meeting. Please submit your abstracts via EasyChair:

Important Dates

Colocation with Proof Society

BLC24 will be colocated with the Proof Society International School and Workshop 2024, taking place 9-13 September.


Registration is now open via the online shop until 19 August 2024.
The registration prices, which include lunches on Thursday and Friday and coffee breaks, are:

On Friday there will be a conference dinner organised at Indian Brewery Snowhill. You will have the option to add it to your registration.

If you would like to attend but do not have access to funding to support your participation, contact the organisers at the earliest opportunity.

Local Information


The University of Birmingham station is served from Birmingham City Centre by local trains via New Street station as well as several local buses. In general, Google Maps is reliable to find your way around, but unreliable regarding timetables.


Edgbaston Park Hotel, the University of Birmingham's hotel, provides accomodation and dining on the Edgbaston campus.

A range of alternative options are available either in Edgbaston, such as Edgbaston House and The High Field Town House, or in Birmingham's City Centre, including ibis Birmingham New Street Station, Travelodge Birmingham Central Broadway Plaza, and ibis budget Birmingham Centre.

Many other options can also be found on the usual accommodation websites such as Booking, AirBnB, etc.

Program Committee

Anupam Das (University of Birmingham)
Paul Blain Levy (University of Birmingham)
Sonia Marin (University of Birmingham)
Omar Leon Sanchez (University of Manchester)
Paul Shafer (University of Leeds)
Sara Uckelman (Durham University)

Local Organisation

Anupam Das
Abhishek De
Iris van der Giessen
Jamie Hough
Paul Levy
Sonia Marin
Lukas Melgaard
Paaras Padhiar


Any queries should be sent by email to

Sponsorship and support

Maintained by Sonia Marin. Last updated